A and A Scales LLC
Phone 800-481-4114, 973-800-3965
Fax: 509-355-3498


"We will not be undersold"
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Fairbanks Eclipse 5000 series

Fairbanks Scales offers today's industries one of the most durable, easy-to-use, low maintenance and economical series of washdown bench scales ever. The Eclipse Series is a versatile product line that can be customized to meet a broad range of general purpose weighing applications for items up to 1,000 pounds.

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Indicator only Platform only (requires remote indicator) Platform with indicator on sloped bracket Platform with pillar and indicator
Display 0.5" six digit, vacuum fluorescent display
Divisions Up to 20,000 non-commercial
Filtering 4 levels for vibration suppression
Controls Auto Tare, Gross/Net, Units, two position toggle switch for Scrolling Tare, Zero and Auto Tare
Units lb., kg., oz., gm., front panel selectable
Zero Programmable ± 2%
Auto Zero Tracking Off, 0.6 divisions, 1.0 divisions, or 3.0 divisions selectable
Center of Zero Indication Active when scale is within 0.25 divisions of zero
Overload Protection 500% of scale capacity
Power 100-130 VAC, 5W, 50/60 Hz, grounded, 3 wire AC 200-250 VAC, 5W, 50/60 Hz, optiona
Operating Temperature 14' F to 104' P (-10' C to 40' C)
Humidity 0-100%, suitable for water washdown; NEMA, 4X rated enclosure
Approvals USDA Accepted (all models). Meets or exceeds the requirements of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 (indicated models only). Type conformance to the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) (indicated models). Listed by Underwriters Laboratories as complying with UL safety requirements. Load cell approved by Factory Mutual for use in hazardous environments.

Click for a complete Fairbanks Eclipse brochure in PDF format

With 10" column Capacity Platform Size Price
5001-10-6 lb 6 lb x 0.002 10" x 10" $1,477
5001-10-12 lb 12 lb x 0.005 10" x 10" $1,477
5001-10-24 lb 24 lb x 0.005 10" x 10" $1,477
With 18" column Capacity Platform Size Price
5001-18-40 lb 40 lb x 0.01 12" x 14" $1,746
5001-18-60 lb 60 lb x 0.02 12" x 14" $1,746
5001-18-100 lb 100 lb x 0.02 16" x 18" $1,933
5001-18-200 lb 200 lb x 0.05 16" x 18" $2,028
With 24" column Capacity Platform Size Price
5001-24-200 lb 200 lb x 0.05 24" x 24" $2,526
5001-24-500 lb 500 lb x 0.1 24" x 24" $2,618
5001-24-1000 lb 1,000 lb x 0.2 24" x 24" $2,686
With 35" column Capacity Platform Size Price
5001-35-200 lb 200 lb x 0.05 24" x 24" $2,584
5001-35-500 lb 500 lb x 0.1 24" x 24" $2,674
5001-35-1000 lb 1,000 lb x 0.2 24" x 24" $2,742




Wheel kit  for 24" x 24" base   $256



A and A Scales LLC

78 North 12th Street

Prospect Park NJ 07508

Phone 800-481-4114, 973-956-1600

     Fax 509-355-3498

Registered with the Dept of Defense

Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
Cage Code: 1X7P4
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